100 day healing

100 day healing program

100 days of healing
Chinese health theory states that in 100 days all cells renew. By practicing Qigong for 100 days, setting an intention, and gaining insight into unconscious processes, the body can recover from injury and illness.

The 100 day healing program consists of the exercises of Zhineng Qigong (Wisdom healing Qigong) level 1.
The Lift Qi Up Pour Qi Down, the squats and the Three Centers Merge Standing Method.
The daily exercise program lasts 1 to 1.5 hours.

The 100 day healing program consists of 10 sessions of individual coaching Qigong spread over 100 days.

100 day healing for one person – 55 euros per session of 60 minutes
100 day healing for two persons – 80 euros per session of 60 minutes

When paying the ten sessions in advance, there is a 10% discount on the total amount.

Indoor: Kon. Emmkade 151, 2518 JK The Hague
Outdoors: Park Sorghvliet / Beeldentuin Kunstmuseum, The Hague
Online: Zoom

Monday to Saturday 14:00 – 19:00

The exercises


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